Team Coaching
More and more, organizations rely on teams to complete tasks, deliver services, operate business units and accomplish strategic goals. Organizations built on world-class teams thrive and organizations built on dysfunctional teams do not. Trouble is, teams can be highly functional one day and highly dysfunctional the next. When teams become dysfunctional, meetings become tedious or are abandoned, communication becomes inconsistent or overly politicized, decision become over-engineered or ignored all together and results become elusive or even unimportant.
Team Coaching Clients . . .
Look forward to meetings as opportunities to collaborate
Appreciate and tap into teammates skills and experiences
Focus energy on important issues -- not politics
Take risks by talking about challenging issues and confronting teammates
Align around shared goals, make fast decisions and learn from mistakes
Change direction without hesitation before their competition does
Have high expectations for themselves and their teammates
Address team problems promptly and without drama
Put team success above individual success
Team Coaching refocuses the team on the reason they formed, clarifies the essential roles each team member plays and re-establishes their accountaability to each other. By first working with teh team leader and then with the team as a whole, teh team coach helps the team confront their dysfunctions and deelp behaviors to address them.